Women’s Guide to Headshot Session Prep

When it comes to taking a headshot, preparation is key. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to prepare for a successful headshot session. From choosing the right outfit to perfecting your poses, we’ll help you feel confident and ready for your close-up. Whether you’re a business professional, actor, or model, this guide will help you take the perfect headshot.

Choosing the Right Outfit

Your outfit can make or break your headshot, so it’s important to choose wisely. Stick to solid colors that complement your skin tone, and avoid busy patterns or logos. Opt for clothing that fits well and flatters your body shape. Accessorize with simple jewelry or scarves, but avoid anything too flashy. And don’t forget about your shoes – they should be comfortable and appropriate for the occasion.

Hair and Makeup

For the best results, consider hiring a professional hair and makeup artist. They’ll know how to create a look that’s natural and camera-ready. If you’re doing your own hair and makeup, keep it simple and classic. Avoid bold colors or heavy makeup, as they can be distracting in photos. Choose a hairstyle that frames your face and highlights your best features. And remember to keep makeup touch-up items on hand during the session.


Great skin is essential for a great headshot. Start prepping your skin weeks before the session by drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods. A few days before the session, exfoliate and moisturize your skin to give it a healthy glow. On the day of the session, avoid wearing makeup until you arrive at the studio.

Poses and Expressions

To capture the perfect headshot, you’ll need to practice your poses and expressions. Experiment with different angles and poses to find what works best for you. Use your eyes to convey emotion and energy, and experiment with different facial expressions to find what works best for you. Keep your hands relaxed and natural, and try not to make any sudden movements. And most importantly, be confident and have fun!

Photography Environment

The environment can play a big role in the quality of your headshots. Choose a photographer with experience in corporate photography or headshot sessions. They’ll know how to create the perfect lighting and background for your photos. If you’re taking outdoor headshots, make sure to choose a location with good lighting and minimal distractions. And make sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring any necessary props or accessories.

Posture and Body Language

Your posture and body language can say a lot about you in a headshot. Stand or sit up straight, with your shoulders relaxed and your chin slightly raised. Use your body language to convey confidence and professionalism. Avoid crossing your arms or slouching, as this can make you appear closed off or unapproachable. And remember to smile – a genuine smile can go a long way in a headshot.

Reviewing Your Photos

After your headshot session, take the time to review your photos. Choose a photographer who will provide you with a gallery of high-quality images to choose from. Look for photos where you appear confident, approachable, and professional. Consider seeking a professional opinion to help you select the best photos. And remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I wear for a headshot session?

Stick to solid colors that complement your skin tone, and avoid busy patterns or logos. Opt for clothing that fits well and flatters your body shape. Accessorize with simple jewelry or scarves, but avoid anything too flashy. And don’t forget about your shoes – they should be comfortable and appropriate for the occasion.

2. How do I prepare my skin for a headshot session?

Start prepping your skin weeks before the session by drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods. A few days before the session, exfoliate and moisturize your skin to give it a healthy glow. On the day of the session, avoid wearing makeup until you arrive at the studio.

3. What should I do with my hands in a headshot?

Keep your hands relaxed and natural, and try not to make any sudden movements. You can place them on your hips, cross them in front of your chest, or rest them on a prop, such as a chair or table.

4. What should I look for in a headshot photographer?

Choose a photographer with experience in headshot sessions or corporate photography. Look for someone who has a portfolio of high-quality images that you admire. Make sure they have a good understanding of lighting and posing, and that they make you feel comfortable and confident during the session.

5. How many photos should I expect from a headshot session?

This can vary depending on the photographer and package you choose. Typically, you can expect to receive 10-20 high-quality images from a headshot session.

6. How do I choose the best headshot photo?

Look for photos where you appear confident, approachable, and professional. Consider seeking a professional opinion to help you select the best photos. And remember to choose a photo that accurately represents you and your brand.

Taking the perfect headshot can be intimidating, but with these tips and tricks, you’ll be ready to rock your next session. Remember to take your time, be prepared, and most importantly, have fun. And if you’re in need of a professional headshot photographer, be sure to check out Violet Gorgi for stunning and high-quality headshots that truly capture your unique personality and brand.