The Benefits of Using Natural Light for Headshot Photography

If you’re a headshot photographer, you know that lighting is one of the most critical elements of a successful photoshoot. And when it comes to lighting, natural light is your best friend. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using natural light for headshot photography, including creating a flattering look, saving time and money, and flexibility. We’ll also discuss techniques for using natural light to create stunning headshot photos.

Natural Light vs Artificial Light

Before we dive into the benefits of natural light, it’s essential to understand the differences between natural and artificial light. Natural light is the light that comes from the sun, while artificial light is created by lamps or other lighting fixtures. While artificial light can be controlled and manipulated to create specific effects, it doesn’t always look natural or flattering.

In contrast, natural light is versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to create a stunning headshot. Natural light can enhance the overall look of the photo, giving it a more natural and organic feel.

Flattering Look

One of the significant benefits of using natural light for headshot photography is that it can create a more flattering look for your subject. Natural light has a softer quality than artificial light, which can help to minimize imperfections and enhance the subject’s features.

Natural light can also be used to create a more even skin tone for the subject, making it ideal for corporate photographers who want to create a professional yet approachable look for their clients.

Time Efficiency

Using natural light can also save time during the photoshoot. Unlike artificial light, which requires setup time and equipment, natural light is readily available and can be used in a variety of locations.

This can be especially beneficial for headshot photographers who work on-location, as they don’t need to bring as much equipment with them. Additionally, natural light can create a more relaxed atmosphere for the subject, resulting in a more comfortable and natural-looking photo.

Cost Efficiency

Another significant benefit of using natural light for headshot photography is that it can be cost-effective. Unlike artificial light, which requires expensive equipment, natural light is free and readily available.

This can be especially beneficial for new headshot photographers who are just starting and may not have a lot of equipment or resources. Even for professional photographers, using natural light can help them save money on equipment and setup costs.


Natural light is incredibly flexible and can be used in a variety of locations and settings. Whether you’re shooting indoors or outdoors, in the morning or afternoon, natural light can be used to create different moods and styles.

For example, shooting in the early morning or late afternoon can create a soft, warm glow, while shooting during midday can create a more dramatic look. This flexibility allows headshot photographers to create unique and personalized photos for their clients.

Techniques for Using Natural Light

While natural light is versatile, it does require some technique to get the best results. Here are some tips for using natural light for headshot photography:

  • Look for the best natural light: The best natural light is usually soft, diffused light. Look for locations that have natural shade or use a reflector to bounce light onto your subject.
  • Use the right camera settings: When shooting in natural light, it’s essential to adjust your camera settings accordingly. Use a wide aperture to create a shallow depth of field and a fast shutter speed to avoid blur.
  • Use natural light to create different effects: Experiment with different times of day and locations to create different moods and styles for your headshot photos.
  • Use window light: Shooting indoors near a window can provide a soft and even light source for your subject.
  • Avoid mixed lighting: Be mindful of mixing natural light with artificial light, as this can create unflattering color casts and uneven lighting.

By keeping these techniques in mind, you can create stunning headshots using natural light.


Q: Do I need expensive equipment to use natural light for headshot photography?

A: No, you don’t necessarily need expensive equipment to use natural light. A reflector can be a helpful tool, but even using a nearby window can provide beautiful natural lighting.

Q: Can natural light work in any weather?

A: While natural light can work in any weather, different weather conditions can create different lighting effects. For example, an overcast day can provide a soft and diffused light, while a sunny day can create more contrast and shadows.

Q: How can I learn more about using natural light for headshot photography?

A: There are many resources available for learning about natural light photography, including online tutorials and workshops. It’s also helpful to practice and experiment with different techniques to find what works best for your style and subject.